Frequently Asked Questions
What is Improv Wizards?
Improv Wizards is a complete improv learning system.
We started Improv Wizards to share with the world one of our greatest joys in life! Improvisation.
It’s our mission to teach you Improv Comedy. In short, we want to teach you to become an Improv Wizard.
We teach workshops all across Los Angeles, and also get hired to travel and teach. And it’s awesome.
But we wanted to make the joy of improvisation available to people all over the world. So we started Improv Wizards as a way to create lessons, video tips, blogs, and even fully improv courses so that you can learn improv skills from anywhere in the world.
Is it Possible to Improvise ALONE?
Surprisingly, YES!
You can’t practice every single improv skill alone, but you can practice so many more skills than we would have believed possible. And we’ve figured out how to teach those skills to you. We have discovered how to make not having a group or a scene partner an advantage to your training. Again, at some point you’ll want to work with other minds in the mix, but for learning and practicing so many of the basics and even advanced skills of improv, we can show you how to do it from the comfort of your own home, and on your own time. In fact, learning to improvise on your own even has several advantages!
Can you learn improvisation ONLINE?
Absolutely YES!
To be bluntly honest, we weren’t sure at first. But several factors, like geography, availability and the COVID-19 Pandemic pushed us to find out. And after years of teaching and doing it, we learned that you absolutely can! It may not always look like traditional in-person improv classes, but we discovered a very important thing: learning on your own is MUCH BETTER in several ways!
How can learning improv online be better than in person?
There are a few improv skills you can’t practice alone. Like reacting real-time to another improviser.
But there are so many skills that you can learn and practice from an online course that will make everything better when you add other real improvisers to practice.
We like to break down skills into smaller lessons and pieces so you can learn and digest them and practice them AT YOUR OWN PACE! In a group setting, the teacher goes at a pace that is not necessarily best for all learners.
And on top of that, learning alone allows you to build skills WITHOUT THE PRESSURE of performing in front of people. That is an essential improv skill to learn, but it doesn’t have to be the FIRST thing that you are hit with.
Learning improv from our online course can be better because:
- You can practice ANYTIME, night or day!
- You can learn at your own pace
- You can practice and learn from ANYWHERE with an internet connection to watch our videos.
- You can build skills without the pressure of people watching you
- You can work or warm-up with our videos right before an in person class, or performance or audition
- You can REPEAT lessons as much as you want! Try that with an in person class!
What is "Become an Improv Wizard"?
Become an Improv Wizard is our flagship online improv course. It is a self contained course consisting of 11 video learning modules, PDFs, and several support videos so that you can play along and practice what your are learning. Putting skills into practice is essential to developing those skills. We also provide periodic zoom webinars and Q&A sessions to help our learners engage and get the support they need.
Modules Consist of:
- Starting a Scene: Making Magic Out of Nothing
- Building a Scene: Creating Worlds
- Never Go Blank Again Onstage
- How to Be Funny
- Characters: Making Funny Easy
- How to Save a Sinking Ship: Strategies to Save a Scene
- Games
And more!
See the course here
What is your "Yes And Yourself" Power Course?
“Yes And Yourself” is a online course that focusses on practicing the essential skills of the foundation of improvisation. We call it “Yes and…” and it will change your life if it hasn’t already!
Short videos teach you what “Yes and…” is, why it’s so important, how to do it, and different ways to do it. But most importantly, We included several hours of Play-Along videos that give you a format and structure in which actually practice and experience the power of “Yes and…” again and again.
We even show you how to re-use the videos after you’ve played through all 3+ hours of training to double, triple, and quadruple your practice and workout time.
See the course here
Where can I take your improv training?
Can ANYONE LEARN to improvise?
Do I need to be an actor to take your online improv courses?
We have actors, directors, writers, accountants, and all kinds of people take our course. If you are not an actor, you’ll learn some useful things from the acting world. But no acting experience is needed to start your journey.
What BENEFITS does Online Improv Training have for non-actors?
What benefits does improv yield for non-actors? (and actors alike)
I’ll just list a few:
- Increased Creativity
- Spontaneity
- Confidence
- Awareness of self
- Visualization & sensory skills
- Laughter
- Teamwork
- Listening skills
- Storytelling skills
- Fun, fun, and more fun!
You have several courses. Which is the best for me?
Can I take ALLof your online improv courses?
Can I give one of your Improv Courses as a GIFT?
Can I learn to improvise, even if the thought of it TERRIFIES me?
Can I take your Improv Courses with OTHER PEOPLE?
Will improv training help me to NOT 'GO BLANK' onstage?
Yes. In fact we’ll teach you several tools to use that will keep your mind going, as well as a few different ways to look at things so you’ll be able to fill silence with things that can be more engaging and entertaining than words!
Will improv training help me to not 'go blank' onstage?
Will improv training help me to not 'go blank' onstage?
I only want to do SCRIPTED roles in Film & TV. Why should I learn improv?
How long have you taught improv?
What if I'm AFRAID of improv?
Is your course just about watching videos?
While our courses are video courses, they are active and engaging. We have developed our very own system of training using Play-Along videos that allow you to practice exercises and scenes with us as your virtual scene partners. You will be able to play many of these Play-Along videos again and again to keep practicing your skills.
I've heard doing improvisation can be THERAPUDIC. Is that true?
Do I need to be an actor to take your online improv courses?
We have actors, directors, writers, accountants, and all kinds of people take our course. If you are not an actor, you’ll learn some useful things from the acting world. But no acting experience is needed to start your journey.
Does learning improv from an Online Course really work?
You guys sound like pretty good guys?